On Sat, 22 Sep 2012, Νίκος Γκρεεκ wrote:

Okey i'll ask this to the officila joomla forum, one last thing though.

Is there a way to somehow embed(or utilize) python code, for example my python 
counter code script you have seen last week inside my Joomla/WordPress cms 

For example:

http://superhost.gr/ is my main website utilizing python counter script.

http://superhost.gr/html/?show=log is my own way(i prefer it over awstats - 
don't ask why) for viewing my visitors.

in my other sites which are CMS sites, like


is there a possible way to embed(if thats the term) my python counter script 
there too?

so i can keep track of visitors info for each page i have there?

Sure, but why create a counter (ugh) when you can use something like Google Analytics for free and get much more interesting and useful metrics?


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