Xah Lee wrote:

>Very very nice! I don't know scheme well... but oh the macros, such a
>wonderful facility...
Macros suck.  They created by moron so-called computer scientists and IT 
puntits in order opress the programming masses.  But I say we must bring 
freedom to all programmers.  In order abolish this criminality against 
humanity and even programmers, I recommend creating a flurry of 
irrelevant messages cross-posting to noncommonalitous groups.  If you 
need dictionary to find what that word means, you a moron!  F*ck 
dictionaries!  F*ck macros!  F*ck ignoramous computer scientists!  F*ck 
so-called netiquette!  Power to programmers!

Only when we have created sufficient confusion and frustration among all 
programming entities, then they will beg us to shut up.  Only then they 
be willing remove macros from all languages if we willing shut up.  Then 
we shut up and see macros removed.  But only for a little while.  Then 
we campaign to get floating point roman numerals implemented.

>Functional lang never let me down.
Functional languages evil.  Any language support functions come from 
ivory tower brain lacking idiots who think they know something.  All 
other languages should take a lesson from Python which does not support 
functions.  If Python supports functions, I have not read that informations.

>I haven't worked on a Java version yet... but i wonder what pain i'll
>have to endure for a lang that lacks eval. Since i'm not Java expert...
>i wonder if i can even do it in a few days.
> Xah
>∑ http://xahlee.org/

Power to programmers!


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