Micah wrote:
> Anyone know if there is any organized effort underway to implement the
> Python equivalent of "Perl Power Tools" <http://ppt.perl.org/>?
> If not, would starting this be a waste of effort since:
> - it's already being done in Perl?
> - cygwin thrives?
> - UNIX is already pervasive :-) ?
> Or would people really like to claim a pure Python set of UNIX
> utilities?

There would be some use for a Python library that implements the 
functionality of these tools. Some of it already exists (difflib, 
shutil). Some is probably more difficult and less flexible to use from a 
lib that from straight python (cut).

Perhaps that could be started either in the Python Cookbook 
(http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python/Cookbook/) or the Python Wiki 
(http://wiki.python.org/moin/). Just short explanations of how you would 
implement the functionality of various Unix utilities in Python.


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