On 10/05/2012 10:27 AM, Evan Driscoll wrote:
On 10/05/2012 04:23 AM, Duncan Booth wrote:
A regular expression element may be followed by a quantifier.
Quantifiers are '*', '+', '?', '{n}', '{n,m}' (and lazy quantifiers
'*?', '+?', '{n,m}?'). There's nothing in the regex language which says
you can follow an element with two quantifiers.
In fact, *you* did -- the first sentence of that paragraph! :-)

\s is a regex, so you can follow it with a quantifier and get \s{6}. That's also a regex, so you should be able to follow it with a quantifier.
OK, I guess this isn't true... you said a "regular expression *element*" can be followed by a quantifier. I just took what I usually see as part of a regular expression and read into your post something it didn't quite say. Still, the rest of mine applies.



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