On 05/10/2012 23:22, Robin Krahl wrote:
Hi all,

I need to execute untrusted scripts in my Python application. To avoid security issues, I want to 
use a sandboxed environment. This means that the script authors have no access to the file system. 
They may only access objects, modules and classes that are "flagged" or 
"approved" for scripting.

I read that I will not be able to do this with Python scripts. (See SandboxedPython page 
in the Python wiki [0] and several SE.com questions, e. g. [1].) So my question is: What 
is the best way to "embed" a script engine in a sandboxed environment that has 
access to the Python modules and classes that I provide?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

[0] http://wiki.python.org/moin/SandboxedPython

As good a starting point as any http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t716131-challenge-escape-from-the-pysandbox.html ?

Also throw "python experimental sandbox" into your search engine and follow your nose, something might come up smelling of roses :)


Mark Lawrence.


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