On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:59:50 +0200 (CEST)
Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote:

> Well, the C++ code will end up running on a MIPS on a SOC, unfortunately, 
> python is not an option here. 
> The xml to C++ makes a lot of sense, because only a small part of the code is 
> generated that way (everything related to log & fatal events). Everything 
> else is written directly in C++.

sorry but i don't get what you mean with a "MIPS on a SOC". Is not Python well 
supported on MIPS ?
> Currently we already have a python script that translate this xml file to 
> C++, but it's done in a way that is difficult to maintain. Basically, when 
> parsing the xml file, it writes the generated C++ code. Something like:
> if 'blabla' in xml:
>   h_file.write("#define blabla 55", append="top")
>   c_file.write("someglobal = blabla", append="bottom")

Don't do that! This is a good example of ambigous coding (to say the least..) 
and you'll make C++ programmers eyes to bleed
at this. 

> This is working, but the python code is quite difficult to maintain, there's 
> a lot of escaping going on, it's almost impossible to see the structure of 
> the c files unless generating one and hopping it's successful. It's also 
> quite difficult to insert code exactly where you want, because you do not 
> know the order in which the xml trees are defined then parsed.

Its maybe working but why then are you stuck asking for help ? I suggest you 
either write plain C++ code or learn to 
use Python more efficiently...

> JM
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Kind regards,

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