On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I like clearly written code like this
> "
> d = {}
> for c in (65, 97):
>     for i in range(26):
>         d[chr(i+c)] = chr((i+13) % 26 + c)
> print "".join([d.get(c, c) for c in s])

Surely there's a shorter way to rot13 a piece of text? CODE GOLF!

At very least, a single cryptic expression in place of your nice clear
loops MUST be an improvement.

d = dict((chr(i+c),chr((i+13)%26+c))for i in range(26)for c in(65,97))

And with superfluous spaces removed like that, it takes 0.02
jiggawatts less power in DeLorean Python.


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