>> Hi folks,
>> I'm using a stand alone window manager without gnome or kde or any
>> other de. But I still would like to have a system tray or notification
>> area and so far used stalonetray for this. Stalonetray is written in C
>> and is a GTK application, works all right but sometimes it doesn't.
>> For instance if it is killed and restarted icons don't come back, etc,
>> etc, there are some quirks.
>> So I thought I would write a brand new stand alone system tray or
>> notification area in python. I guess I need to use gtk bindings or
>> some such but don't really know what my options are.
>> Where would I start something like this?
>> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> Why not look at the source code of the current app your using to get
> an idea how that application accomplishes said task?

I actually did that already it's using the C bindings of gtk.
You might ask you I'm not modifying the code in order to achieve what
I want, well, the answer is that I'd much rather prototype something
like this in python than work immediately with gtk from C.

But I have zero experience with gui programming in python. So any
pointers would be much appreciated how to implement a system tray in
python. Gtk is I guess just one option, one could use other stuff from
python but I wouldn't know what the simplest approach is.


> You could always use raw X11 libs but leveraging something like Gtk or
> Qt/KDE would probably be much easier.

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