
I'd like to use the Mongoose basic web server with Python which can
call scripts through CGI.

I have a coupole of questions:

1. Mongoose must be told in the shebang file where to locate the
interpreter, but ActivePython 2.5.1 comes with fours files that look
like the interpreter (actually, two files, since the other two have
the same size so they are probably left overs):
01/05/2007  18:01            24.064 python.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.064 python25.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.576 pythonw.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.576 pythonw25.exe

2. Which files and directories do I really need and must provide, and
which can I do without?
Directory of C:\Python25

20/07/2007  02:38    <DIR>          DLLs
20/07/2007  02:38    <DIR>          include
02/09/2012  11:47    <DIR>          Lib
20/07/2007  02:38    <DIR>          libs
18/07/2007  15:33           348.160 msvcr71.dll
28/10/2009  12:31             2.017 psyco-wininst.log
05/04/2008  03:17             9.226 py2exe-wininst.log
20/11/2008  15:13             4.218 pysqlite-wininst.log
01/05/2007  18:01            24.064 python.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.064 python25.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.576 pythonw.exe
01/05/2007  18:01            24.576 pythonw25.exe
03/05/2010  12:01            61.440 Removeapsw.exe
28/10/2009  12:31            61.440 Removepsyco.exe
05/04/2008  03:17            61.440 Removepy2exe.exe
20/11/2008  15:13            61.440 Removepysqlite.exe
14/11/2008  18:22            61.440 Removesetuptools.exe
07/07/2010  14:43    <DIR>          Scripts
14/11/2008  18:24             9.859 setuptools-wininst.log
20/07/2007  02:39    <DIR>          tcl
20/07/2007  02:39    <DIR>          Tools
01/05/2007  18:01             4.608 w9xpopen.exe

Thank you.

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