On 10/20/2012 04:28 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Charles Hixson
<charleshi...@earthlink.net>  wrote:
If I run the following code in the same module, it works correctly, but if I
import it I get the message:
Exception RuntimeError: 'generator ignored GeneratorExit' in<generator
object getNxtFile at 0x7f932f884f50>  ignored

def getNxtFile (startDir, exts = ["txt", "utf8"]):
         for    path    in    getNxtPath (startDir, exts):
                 fil    =    open (path, encoding = "utf-8-sig")
                 yield    fil
                 print ("Could not read:  ", path)
     except    GeneratorExit:
         raise    StopIteration

The message appears to be purely informational, but I *would* like to fix
whatever problem it's reporting, and none of the changes that I've tried
have worked.  What *should* I be doing?
The bare except is probably catching the GeneratorExit exception and
swallowing it.  Try catching a more specific exception like OSError or
even just Exception instead.

Also, you don't need to explicitly catch GeneratorExit just to raise
StopIteration.  The generator will normally stop on GeneratorExit,
provided the exception is actually able to propagate up.
Thank you. That was, indeed the problem. Removing all the try ... excepts made it work on my test case. Now I've got to figure out what to catch in case it's not a utf8 file. I guess that I'll hope that IOError will work, as nothing else sounds reasonable. It's general enough that it ought to work.

Charles Hixson


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