So I would like to be able to ask for confirmation when I receive a C-c,
and continue if the answer is "N/n".

I'm already using an exception handler set with sys.excepthook, but I
can't make it work with the confirm_exit, because it's going to quit in
any case..

A possible solution would be to do a global "try/except
KeyboardInterrupt", but since I already have an excepthook I wanted to
use this.  Any way to make it continue where it was running after the
exception is handled?

def confirm_exit():
    while True:
        q = raw_input("This will quit the program, are you sure? [y/N]")
        if q in ('y', 'Y'):
        elif q in ('n', 'N'):
            print("Continuing execution")
            # just go back to normal execution, is it possible??

def _exception_handler(etype, value, tb):
    if etype == KeyboardInterrupt:

def set_exception_handler():
    sys.excepthook = _exception_handler

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