On 26Oct2012 19:19, Devin Jeanpierre <jeanpierr...@gmail.com> wrote:
| (I've always been partial to ":=", personally.)

I'm less so. It is hard to type (on my keyboard anyway, that's a shifted
keystroke followed by an unshifted one). I mank that up often enough
that I would resent it for something as oft used as an assignment.

Visually, yes, it's good. I was happy with it in Pascal and its like,
though I find the succinctness of plain "=" very attractive given that
it is only available on the left in Python, where it is easy to see and
not prone to mixups with == later in an expression.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

George, discussing a patent and prior art:
"Look, this  publication has a date, the patent has a priority date,
can't you just compare them?"
Paul Sutcliffe:
"Not unless you're a lawyer."

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