On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 10:40 PM,  <farrellpolym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've learned a lot about Ubuntu just trying to install numpy for Python 
> 3.2.3. I've finally managed to put it in the Python3.2 directory but when I 
> try to import it, I still get there's "no module named numpy." There are 
> other modules in the same directory, like 'email' and it imports fine.

A. It properly belongs under "site-packages"
B. You ought to just install it using pip
(http://www.pip-installer.org ) or apt-get, rather than manually.

> Does Numpy 1.6.2 not run with Python 3.2.3?

They are compatible.
http://scipy.github.com/faq.html#do-numpy-and-scipy-support-python-3-x :
"The first release of NumPy to support Python 3 was NumPy 1.5.0."


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