On Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:14:03 PM UTC-7, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Andrew writes:
> > So: Why does python choose to convert them to positive indexes, and
> > have slice operate differently than xrange 
> There was a thread a few years back, I think started by Bryan Olson,
> that made the case that slice indexing is a Python wart for further
> reasons than the above, and suggesting a notation like x[$-5] to denote
> what we now call x[-5] (i.e. $ is the length of the string).  So your
> example x[$-4:3] would clearly be the same thing as x[6:3] and not give
> any suggestion that it might wrap around.

I'm getting very frustrated with the editor provided for this group... It keeps 
posting prematurely, and putting my email in even when I tell it not to each 
time; and there is no way to edit a post... but deleting is ok...

I think Olson makes a good point.  The len() operator is so ubiquitous that it 
would be very useful to have a shorthand like that.

I'll have to look for his thread.

I'm thinking that I might just patch my version of Python 3.x, in C, to allow 
iterators to be passed to __getitem__; I haven't ever seen someone wanting to 
use mixed sign indexes to extract a small chunk of an array in the middle; so I 
don't think my patch will break existing code.

The snippets of code given by other posters in the thread might also be used to 
make a compatibility wrapper; I'll have to study it closer; so that distributed 
code would still work on unpatched python, albeit much slower.

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