On 10/30/2012 11:02 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Ethan Furman<et...@stoneleaf.us>  wrote:
File a bug report?
Looks like it's already been wontfixed back in 2006:

Thanks, IAN, you've answered the first of my questions and have been a great help. (And yes, I was debugging interactive mode... I took a nap after writing that post, as I realized I had reached my 1 really bad post for the day... )

I at least I finally know why Python chooses to implement slice() as a separate object from tuple; even if I don't like the implications.

I think there are three main consequences of the present implementation of slice():

1) The interpreter code size is made larger with no substantial improvement in functionality, which increases debugging effort. 2) No protection against perverted and surprising (are you surprised?! I am) memory operation exists. 3) There is memory savings associated with not having garbage collection overhead.

D'Apriano mentioned the named values, start, stop, step in a slice() which are an API and legacy issue; These three names must also be stored in the interpreter someplace. Since slice is defined at the "C" level as a struct, have you already found these names in the source code (hard-coded), or are they part of a .py file associated with the interface to the "C" code?


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