On 10/30/2012 11:07 PM, Robert Miles wrote:> On 9/16/2012 8:18 AM, Ben Finney 
>> Νικόλαος Κούρας <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Iam sorry i didnt do that on purpose and i dont know how this is done.
>>> Iam positng via google groups using chrome, thats all i know.
>> It is becoming quite clear that some change has happened recently to
>> Google Groups that makes posts coming from there rather more obnoxious
>> than before. And there doesn't seem to be much its users can do except
>> use something else.

You (BF) are wrong that there "doesn't seem to be much its users
can do..." and I explained why previously.  However, since you have
advocated killfiling anyone using GG (which I do) you probably didn't
see my post.  If you choose intentional ignorance that is your choice
but you do a disservice to the community by advocating that others
do the same.

(Officer, I don't deserve this ticket because I couldn't see the 
traffic signal was red; I had my eyes closed. :-)

> You're probably referring to their change in the way they handle
> end-of-lines, which is now incompatible with most newsreaders,
> especially with multiple levels of quoting.

It's a minor pain to fix this when posting, but

1. It is fixable (and previous post of mine gave a couple ways)
2. The double spacing is obvious in Google's compose window
 so if one posts anyway, it is a matter of laziness.

> The incompatibility tends to insert a blank line after every line.
> With multiple levels of quoting, this gives blank line groups that
> often roughly double in size for every level of quoting.
> Robert Miles

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