On 10/31/2012 09:11 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:> On 2012-09-16, ???????? ?????? 
<nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Iam positng via google groups using chrome, thats all i know.
> Learn something else.  Google Groups is seriously and permanently
> broken, and all posts from Google Groups are filtered out and ignored
> by many people (including myself -- I only saw this because somebody
> else replied to it).

"Broken"?  Yes.  But so is every piece of software in one way 
or another.  Thunderbird is one of the most perpetually buggy
pierces of software I have ever used on a continuing basis.

"Seriously"?  That's pretty subjective.  I manage to use it
without major problems so it couldn't be that bad.  I posted
previously on how to use it without the double posts or the
double spacing.

"Permenantly"?  Your ability to foretell the future leaves me
in awe.  :-)

Feel free to filter whatever you want but be aware than in 
doing so you risk missing information that could help you
avoid disseminating erroneous info.  Of course, carrying out
some kind of private war against Google Groups may be more
important to you than that... 

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