In article <509441cb$0$29967$c3e8da3$>,
Steven D'Aprano  <> wrote:
>On Fri, 02 Nov 2012 04:20:20 -0700, Jason Benjamin wrote:
>> Anybody know of the appropriate place to troll and flame about various
>> Python related issues?  I'm kind of mad about some Python stuff and I
>> need a place to vent where people may or may not listen, but at at least
>> respond.  Thought this would be a strange question, but I might as well
>> start somewhere.
>Thank you for your honesty, but trolling is not welcome.
>However if you have actual issues about Python, either pro or con, and 
>hope to have a serious, respectful dialog where both parties listen to 
>each other, feel free to raise them here. Keep in mind three things:
>- We've probably heard all your arguments a thousand times before. It's
>  unlikely that you are either the first or the last person to notice
>  that (e.g.) Python has significant indentation. So expect a certain
>  amount of brusqueness.
>- If your argument boils down to "Python isn't <insert language here>"
>  we will not be sympathetic, and will probably sneer or laugh at you
>  privately. And possibly publicly too.
>- If you hope to convince the Python community to change <feature X>,
>  we are constrained by backwards-compatibility issues, policies, and
>  design decisions. Frequently there are (mis-)features that we simply
>  have to live with, for good or ill.

You forgot the fourth point.
Aahz (           <*>

"....Normal is what cuts off your sixth finger and your tail..."  --Siobhan

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