I have a problem with the standard "turtle" module. When a turtle has
a custom shape of type "compound", it doesn't seem to respond to click
events. No problem with polygon shapes.

Running python 3.2.3, turtle version 1.1b on Windows XP.

Here is my test file:

import turtle
square = ((0,0),(0,20),(20,20),(20,0))
turtle.addshape("sq1", square) # sq1 = polygon shape
s = turtle.Shape("compound")
s.addcomponent(square, "red")
turtle.addshape("sq2", s) # sq2 = compound shape
t1 = turtle.Turtle(shape="sq1")
t2 = turtle.Turtle(shape="sq2")
t2.fd(20) # set the turtles side by side
def click(x,y): print("click at",x,y)

When I run this and click on the black square (i.e. t1), the message
"click at..." gets printed on the console. When I click on the red
square (i.e. t2), nothing happens.

Bug or feature?


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