Hi guys,

Using python, wxpython and sqlite in a windows system, Im trying to
print some certificates/diplomas/cards with a image at background with
the name of person/text over it.

I know the basic steps to print the text using win32print from Pywin32

1) I dont know how to add an image and set it to background.

   while .....


        # Query sqlite rows and collumn name and set the self.text for
each certificate


        # Now send to printer

        DC = win32ui.CreateDC()


        DC.StartDoc("Certificates Job")


        ux = 1000
        uy = -1000
        lx = 5500
        ly = -55000

        DC.DrawText(self.text, (ux, uy, lx, ly),win32con.DT_LEFT)


This printer-code is inside a while loop calling each people name from
a sqlite database per check condition.

2) All the names of database was printed at same page... how i command
the printer to spit out 1 page per name from the database?

3) Any more simple approach or module to deals with printers (paper
and/or pdf) will be welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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