Am 09.11.2012 02:12 schrieb Hans Mulder:
That's what 'xargs' will do for you. All you need to do, is invoke
xargs with arguments containing '{}'. I.e., something like:
cmd1 = ['tar', '-czvf', 'myfile.tgz', '-c', mydir, 'mysubdir']
first_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd2 = ['xargs', '-I', '{}', 'sh', '-c', "test -f %s/'{}'" % mydir]
second_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdin=first_process.stdout)
After launching second_process, it might be useful to
firstprocess.stdout.close(). If you fail to do so, your process is a
second reader which might break things apart.
At least, I once hat issues with it; I currently cannot recapitulate
what these were nor how they could arise; maybe there was just the open
file descriptor which annoyed me.