On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:07:53 PM UTC-7, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:20:13 -0800, rurpy wrote:
> [...]
> > As an aside, I've noticed that some those most vocal against GG have
> > also been very vocal about this group being inclusive.
> I call bullshit. If you are going to accuse people of being "very vocal" 
> against minorities, you damn well better have some evidence to back up 
> your claim.
> And if you don't, I would expect a public apology for that slur.

I wasn't very clear.  I should have written "...those most vocal 
against GG have also been very vocal *in favor* of this group being

In the next paragraph which you clipped I pointed out
the irony of that attitude versus one possible effect of 
advocating the blacklisting of GG posters:

> > If one observes that women post here (as a group)
> > a lot less frequently then men, and if GG is easier
> > for occasional posters, then the anti-GG attitude
> > expressed here by a few would have the effect of
> > disproportionately discriminating against women.

Response to your other points will need to wait until
I have more time.

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