On 11/19/2012 9:30 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

Our requirements are to scan the logs of a production site and filter
down the gobs and gobs of output (we produced 70 GB of log files
yesterday) into something small enough that a human can see what the
most common failures were.  The tool I wrote does that.

The rest of this conversation is just silly.  It's turning into getting
hit on the head lessons.

I agree. In early Python, tuples were more different from lists than they are today. They did not have any (public) methods. Today, they have .index and .count methods, which make little sense from the 'tuple is a record' viewpoint. The addition of those methods redefined tuples as read-only (and therefore hashable) sequences.

From the collections.abc doc
Sequence | Sized, Iterable, Container |
 __getitem__ __contains__, __iter__, __reversed__, index, and count
class collections.abc.Sequence
class collections.abc.MutableSequence
ABCs for read-only and mutable sequences.
>>> from collections.abc import Sequence
>>> issubclass(tuple, Sequence)

Terry Jan Reedy


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