Am Mittwoch, 21. November 2012 20:49:14 UTC+1 schrieb Hans Mulder:
> On 21/11/12 18:19:15, Christian wrote:
> > Hi ,
> > 
> > my purpose is a generic insert via  tuple , because the number of fields 
> > and can differ. But  I'm stucking .
> > 
> > ilist=['hello',None,7,None,None]
> > 
> > #This version works, but all varchar fields are in extra '' enclosed.
> > con.execute(""" INSERT INTO {} VALUES %r; """.format(table) , 
> > (tuple(ilist),))
> > 
> > #This produce (1054, "Unknown column 'None' in 'field list'"),
> > #but without None values it works.
> > con.execute(""" INSERT INTO {} VALUES %r; """.format(table) % 
> > (tuple(ilist),))
> How about:
> con.execute("""INSERT INTO {} VALUES ({})"""
>     .format(table, ",".join("%s" for _ in ilist)), ilist)
> Or perhaps break it down into smaller steps:
> bind_variables = ",".join("%s" for _ in ilist))
> query = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES ({})".format(table, bind_variables)
> con.execute(query, ilist)
> Hope this helps,
> -- HansM

Thank you both!. However, for future issues  I'll take Chris advise about a ORM 
into account . It's  only a sort of  data crunching (offline), so SQL Injection 
isn't a problem.

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