On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:41 PM, Neil Cerutti <ne...@norwich.edu> wrote:
> On 2012-11-27, Anatoli Hristov <toli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you all for the help, but I figured that out and the
>> program now works perfect. I would appreciate if you have some
>> notes about my script as I'm noob :) Here is the code:
>> import csv
>> origf = open('c:/Working/Test_phonebook.csv', 'rt')
>> secfile = open('c:/Working/phones.csv', 'rt')
> csv module expects files to be opened in binary mode in Python
> versions less than version 3.0. For Python versions >= 3.0, you
> use the special keyword argument, newlines='', instead.
>> phonelist = []
>> namelist = []
> The structure of your program is poor. It's workable for such a
> short script, and sometimes my first cuts are similar, but it's
> better to get out of the habit right away.
> Once you get this working the way you'd like you should clean up
> the structure as a service to your future self.
>> names = csv.reader(origf, delimiter=';')
>> phones = csv.reader(secfile, delimiter=';')
> You csv files don't seem to have header rows, but even so you can
> improve your code by providing fieldnames and using a DictReader
> instead.
> name_reader = csv.DictReader(origf, fieldnames=[
>                                      'Name', 'Blah', 'Phone#'])
> Then you can read from records with
>   name = row['Name']
> instead of using bare, undocumented integers.
>> for tel in phones:
>>     phonelist.append(tel)
>> def finder(name_row,rows):
>>     for ex_phone in phonelist:
>>         telstr = ex_phone[0].lower()
>>         if telstr.find(name_row) >= 0:
> This strikes me as a crude way to match names. You don't really
> want Donald to match perfectly with McDonald, do you? Or for
> Smith to match with Smithfield?
> Yes, a human being will clean it up, but your program can do a
> better job.
>>             print "\nName found: %s" % name_row
>>             namelist[rows][-1] = ex_phone[-1].lower()
>>         else:
>>             pass
>>     return
>> def name_find():
>>     rows = 0
>>     for row in names:
>>         namelist.append(row)
>>         name_row = row[0].lower()
>>         finder(name_row,rows)
>>         rows = rows+1
> You can use the useful enumerate function instead of your own
> counter.
>       for rows, row in enumerate(names):
> ...though I would find 'rownum' or 'num' or just 'i' better than
> the name 'rows', which I find confusing.
>> name_find()
>> ofile  = open('c:/Working/ttest.csv', "wb")
>> writer = csv.writer(wfile, delimiter=';')
>> for insert in namelist:
>>     writer.writerow(insert)
>> wfile.close()
> --
> Neil Cerutti
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Tried to document a little bit the script, but I'm not that good in that too :)

The only problem I have is that I cant compare other field than the
first one in
for ex_phone in phones:
        telstr = ex_phone[0].lower()
When I use telstr = ex_phone[0].lower() it says out of range and the
strange think is that the range is 6 I can't figure that out. So when
I edit the csv I modify the look of the file and then I start the
script and it works, but I wanted to use more than one condition and I
can't :(

import csv

# Open the file with the names and addresses
origf = open('c:/Working/vpharma.csv', 'rt')
# Open the  file with the phone numbers
secfile = open('c:/Working/navori.csv', 'rt')

# Creates the empty list with the names
namelist = []
# Creates the empty list with the phone numbers

# Reads the file with the names
# Format "Name","Phone"
names = csv.reader(origf, delimiter=';')

# Reads the file with the phone numbers
# Format "First name","Lastname","Address","City","Country","Phone"
phones = csv.reader(secfile, delimiter=';')

# Creates a list with phone numbers
#for tel in phones:
#    PHONELIST.append(tel)

def finder(Compare_Name,rows):
    Compare the names from the namelist with the names from the phonelist.
    If the name match - then the phone number is added to the specified field
    for ex_phone in phones:
        telstr = ex_phone[0].lower()
        print telstr
        if telstr.find(Compare_Name) >= 0:
            print "\nName found: %s" % Compare_Name
            namelist[rows][-1] = ex_phone[-1].lower()
            print "Not found %s" % Compare_Name

def name_find():
    rows = 0
    for row in names:
        Compare_Name = row[1].lower()
        rows = rows+1

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Writes the list to a file
wfile  = open('c:/Working/ttest.csv', "wb")
writer = csv.writer(wfile, delimiter=';')
for insert in namelist:

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