In <> writes:

> Dear Group,

> I have a list of the following pattern,

> [("''", "''"), ('Eastern', 'NNP'), ('Army', 'NNP'), ('Commander', 'NNP'), (=
> 'Lt', 'NNP'), ('Gen', 'NNP'), ('Dalbir', 'NNP'), ('Singh', 'NNP'), ('Suhag'=
> , 'NNP'), ('briefed', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Army', 'NNP'), ('chief', 'NN=
> '), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('operational', 'JJ'), ('preparedness', 'N=
> N'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('security', 'NN'), ('scenario', 'NN'), =
> ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('eastern', 'NN'), ('region', 'NN'), (',', ','=
> ), ("''", "''"), ('defence', 'NN'), ('spokesperson', 'NN'), ('Group', 'NNP'=
> ), ('Capt', 'NNP'), ('T', 'NNP'), ('K', 'NNP'), ('Singha', 'NNP'), ('said',=
>  'VBD'), ('here', 'RB')]

> Now, as we see it has multiple VBD elements.
> I want to recognize,count and index them all.

That depends on exactly what you mean by 'reorganize' and 'index'.  But
here's a start:

    items = [("''", "''"), ('Eastern', 'NNP'), ('Army', 'NNP'),
        ('Commander', 'NNP'), ('Lt', 'NNP'), ('Gen', 'NNP'),
        ('Dalbir', 'NNP'), ('Singh', 'NNP'), ('Suhag' , 'NNP'),
        ('briefed', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Army', 'NNP'),
        ('chief', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'),
        ('operational', 'JJ'), ('preparedness', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'),
        ('the', 'DT'), ('security', 'NN'), ('scenario', 'NN'),
        ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('eastern', 'NN'), ('region', 'NN'),
        (',', ','), ("''", "''"), ('defence', 'NN'),
        ('spokesperson', 'NN'), ('Group', 'NNP'), ('Capt', 'NNP'),
        ('T', 'NNP'), ('K', 'NNP'), ('Singha', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'),
        ('here', 'RB')]

    vbds = [item[0] for item in items if item[1] == 'VBD']

    print vbds

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