On 23 Jun 2005 12:30:27 -0700, Aditi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for ur effort... And I apologise for being sloppy in writing.
> Well I agree the whole project sounds fictitious because it has been
> assigned to me in that spirit. The project was explained to me in
> just 5 minutes and so these are the only details I have and the only
> documentation I have is a list of the 31 applications used in the
> company and that the platform used in the company is OS 400.

Pardon me, is it a real company or a fictious one?

> The reason why I posted this mail was to invite ideas as to how could I
> make the best use of these details and suggestions because I myself
> found these details way too less. I think I should have written about
> this in the first mail to avoid frustration to the people who are
> trying to help
> me.
> Anyways now that it is known that the project has been assigned to me
> just for the heck of it would like to make my project such that they
> want to use it...I would definately not let my work go wasted...So do
> let me know what you think could be done in this direction.

If you have real users, your first step is to talk to them to define
project goals. Everything else (xml, python, etc.) is irrelevant until
you know *what* you want to build.

Go talk to your potential users, know why (if at all) they need this
monitoring system, learn their current tools and processes, see how
your system could help them do their job more efficiently. Don't start
coding until you have clear understanding of requirements.

There are lots of nice intelligent people on this list, but they can't
substitute people you are building this system for :)

- kv

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