
On Monday, December 3, 2012 4:19:51 PM UTC+2, Alexander Blinne wrote:
> Hello,
> by having a quick look at their website i found a plugin for CoreTemp
> which acts as a server and can be asked for status information of the
> cpu. Now your task is really simple: write a little function or class
> that opens a network socket, connects to that plugin und asks it for the
> information you require. You just need to find out what network protocol
> this plugin uses to communicate. If it is no standard protocol for which
> a higher level module is present (xmlrpc or something), see
> for low level sockets.
> Greetings

Really sorry for the late reply, but I've got a lot going on lately. 

Thanks a TON for your answer thought, this is exactly what I really hoped for.
The problem for me is that I don't actually know anything about writing a 
function that opens a network socket, and "connects to that plugin und asks it 
for the 
information you require."

That's all really beyond me, all I can do is what I did so far, which is make 
it ask for your temperature value, and then test it to see if its an integer

Then (I added this for testing) It asks for any temperature value. And if it 
exceeds the given limit, it rings an alarm. Until it freezes and becomes 
unresponsive :D

I don't know how to make it 'query' or grab values constantly, if you don't 
mind my potentially incorrect terminology. 

If you know how to do this, or could explain it really step by step to me, I 
would be ever so thankful. Or even if you know of somewhere which I could ask 


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