
Am 10.12.2012 20:13, schrieb bitbucket:
I have an existing Windows application which provides an OLE
Automation (IDispatch) interface.  I'm not able to change that
interface.  I'd like to call it from a scripting language.  I figure
this would provide a nice quick way to invoke on the app.

I initially tried this with Windows Powershell but ran into the
following problem.  I was able to create the object and invoke simple
methods on it.  However the interface for this app has methods which
take out params.  i.e. you pass in a reference to a variable and the
server fills in the value.  I couldn't get that to work.  I finally
gave up and decided it was just a limitation of Powershell, not being
able to work with those out params.

Before switching technologies I'd check if this solves your problem http://geekswithblogs.net/Lance/archive/2009/01/14/pass-by-reference-parameters-in-powershell.aspx

TL;DR IMHO "out" parameters are basically pointers (pass by reference) and need to be passed like GetSettingValue("name", [ref]$value)...



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