Dear All,

If someone is interested, I've made a module out of it. Available here:

It seems you can program your Firefox instance from your script as you
want through this add-on. I will explore the possibilities in the



On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Jabba Laci <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> If this is for use on somebody else's system, *please don't*. My
>> This is for me. I have a simple GUI that produces some URL that I want
>> to open in the current tab. Since I want to verify several URLs, I
>> don't want to open dozens of new tabs.
>> Here is my working solution. It requires the MozRepl Firefox add-on
>> that I mentioned in the previous message.
> Looks good! Since it's your own single system, the add-on requirement
> isn't too onerous (but even if it's an all-mine system, I'd hesitate
> to deploy an add-on to more than a handful of computers).
> Specific problem, specific solution. I like it.
> ChrisA
> --

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