Uwe Mayer wrote:

>> /*
>> print(10);
>> */
>> and
>> ///*
>> print(10);
>> //*/
>> ?
> I think the *trick* here was that if you had larger blocks you'd only
> have to change one side of the comment, i.e. the opening line, to
> de-comment the block without searching the end of it and commenting
> that out aswell. 

Yes, but you can do that easily in C++ as well:


Change to:


I can't remember the exact pattern, but I remember using a
similar trick in BCPL where at least there was the excuse of not
otherwise having conditional compilation. C and C++ there is no excuse
for such tricks. 

Google found Clive Feather's description of the BCPL trick at 

> I doubt it (though DMR may contradict me, of course).  Every compiler
> I remember using allowed both // and /* */ type comment delimiters. 
> Some also allowed | and \ to be used instead of /, so that || was also
> a comment-to-end-of-line, and \* ... *\ was an alternate block comment
> symbol.  The latter was particularly useful, because it could be used
> to comment out blocks of code that included /* ... */ comments (as
> with C, comments do not nest).  We used comments with vertical bars to
> implement a variety of conditional compilation: 
>       |**||| IF
>       normal code
>       |*|||| ELSE
>       alternate code
>       |*|||| CANCEL ELSE
>       more normal code
>       |*|||| ELSE
>       more alternate code
>       |**||| ENDIF
> By default, this would compile the "normal code".  To switch to the
> "alternate code", the first line was changed to |**||* or |*||||
> instead.  Because this comment symbol was used, the code could contain
> normal comments and the "commenting-out" reverse comments I described
> above. 


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