On 12/13/2012 09:49 PM, suresh.pinn...@gmail.com wrote:
> My aim is to get a job into google or cisco or facebok.
> I have basic knowledge in python,c,java and good in javascript,html,css, 
> database concepts.
> If i learn django and python. Shall I get my dream job?
> Please suggest me

You didn't say what your dream job is, but I'll assume it's as a
software Engineer.  You also didn't say at what level you expect to start.

There are lots more questions than what you've answered so far.  Like
what degree do you have, and from where?  Can you read/hear and
understand English quickly, both written and verbal?  Can you write
correct English (as opposed to what we see here on the forum)?  Can you
write a good resume, and a great cover letter?

Do you know any one computer language thoroughly?  Or just a little of
many languages?

Have you ever worked in assembly code?  Do you know what a transistor
is?  Have you ever built a compiler or a debugger?  Have you ever
written code that has to run in very little memory (like less than 4k)? 
Have you ever worked on projects where the end result had to have 100%
reliability?  Have you written multithreaded code?  Have you worked on
multiple operating systems?

Have you ever read Knuth?  Or P.J. Plauger?  Or Sedgewick?  Can you
explain (roughly) Huffman encoding?  (I looked up Huffman's paper (I
think it was written in 1952, in IRE) and studied it, about 25 years ago)

Have you ever worked with the public?  Have you ever debugged somebody
else's code that was over 200k LOC?

Do you have good references from past jobs, and are those jobs relevant
to what you hope to be hired to do?  Do you belong to any professional
organizations, did you get any honors in college?  Do you have any
industry honors, either from patents, or from ACM or other recognized

Can you point to projects where you've made a substantial and
identifiable contribution, and describe those contributions in terms
that will interest your prospective employer?
Are you personable, and can you participate in a debate with someone who
seems to deliberately be trying to trip you up?  If you have opinions or
preferences, can you explain clearly why you have them?  Can you
interact with an interviewer as an equal, respectful but not subservient?

Perhaps most important, have you worked with somebody who really liked
what you do and who now works at one of these companies, in a place
where his recommendation will help?  The best jobs are seldom given to
people who send in a resume blind, or who work through ordinary headhunters.

These and many other questions, plus luck, patience and persistence will
determine whether you get that dream job.




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