On 12/20/2012 04:37 AM, Pierre Quentel wrote:

To create an element, for instance an HTML anchor :
doc <= A('Python',href="http://www.python.org";)

To me, that is a awful choice and I urge you to change it.

'<=' is not just an operator, it is a comparison operator. It normally
return False or True. Numpy array comparison returns arrays of booleans,
so the meaning is extended, not completely changed. People will often be
using it with its normal mean in conditionals elsewhere, so this usage
creates strong cognitive dissonance. Also, using an expression as a
statement is allowed, but except in the interactive interpreter, it only
makes sense with an expression that obviously has side-effects or could
have side-effects (like the expression 'mylist.sort()'. It just looks
wrong to an experienced Python programmer like me.

It also is unnecessary. Use '+=' or '|='. The former means just what you
want the statement to do and the latter is at least somewhat related
(bit or-addition) and is rarely used and is very unlikely to be used in
code intended for a browser.

I'm afraid I am going to disagree. The document is a tree structure, and today Python 
doesn't have a syntax for easily manipulating trees. To add a child to a node, using an 
operator instead of a function call saves a lot of typing ; <= looks like a left arrow, 
which is a visual indication of the meaning "receive as child". |= doesn't have 
this arrow shape

+= is supported by Brython, but it means something different. <= means "add child" ; the 
addition operator + means "add brother"

Although I'm not really in favor of using an operator for this sort of thing either way, I can't help but notice the discussion seems to be limited to Python's operators. If you're implementing Python yourself, can't you define a new operator that is unambiguous?

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