On 12/27/2012 01:01 PM, mogul wrote:
> Do I really need a real IDE, as the windows guys around me say I do,
> or will vim, git, make and other standalone tools make it the next 20
> years too for me?

I've never ever used an IDE with Python.  With Python I can code for an
hour in vim and it runs with only maybe one minor syntax error.  Often
the code runs first try, and runs correctly.  Having a reference to the
python standard library is about the only thing I need.  I typically use
python in a nutshell (dead tree) or just a browser page open to the
official docs.  Fortunately Python's use of namespaces and allowing the
use of singleton objects (we call them modules!) eliminates must of the
verbose rubbish that Java's libraries have.

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