On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:04 AM, NewbiePythonic <khan.imm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I am very new to python and loved the easiness with which we can deal with 
> problems. I would like to take things seriously and develop some good web 
> applications. But right now I am stuck and looking for a mentor who can help 
> me out with improving my skills and knowledge . Looking forward to meet 
> someone who can help me out.

The best mentor for Python is actually your Python interpreter. As a
modern high-level language, Python's pretty helpful at finding
problems - anything that it detects as an error will be reported with
a thrown exception, with full traceback. Get to know your interpreter
via its interactive mode (on Windows, I strongly recommend IDLE - much
better editing/recall facilities than the command-line Python has),
and work through the tutorial:


After that, just do things and do things and do more things, and
you'll be Pythonning like an expert in no time... or rather, in about
a week or so. :)

And when you run into difficulties, this newsgroup/mailing list will
be happy to help out. Just remember to post a minimal test-case for
your problem, and *copy and paste* the error message with the full
traceback - that can be the difference between a protracted debugging
session and an almost reflex response from someone who can spot the
problem straight off.

Have fun! The world's a lovely place...


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