On 13-01-02 09:48 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
2) self.lightDone: Invalid name "lightDone" (should match

So I can now understand that pylint doesn't like my naming convention
with a capital letter in the middle of the variable name, like:
"lightDone" = a boolean value. I suppose pylint wants me to use (a
little longer method) an underscore to separate words in long variable

That is more conventional in the Python community (and is in pep 8, I believe) but still a choice.
That seems like a improper error message from the tool. "Invalid name" does *not* properly describe that situation. The name is *not* "Invalid" in any sense of the word, and a "checker" that tells you it is is creating needless false-positives. An error checker should be saying something like:

    "self.lightDone: Does not match PEP8 recommended style"

making it clear that this is *not* an error, it is a *style* related *warning*.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


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