On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 2:56 AM, Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4 January 2013 15:53, Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> On 2013-01-04, Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 23:25:51 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> * But frankly, you should avoid eval, and write your own mini-integer
>>>   arithmetic evaluator which avoids even the most remote possibility
>>>   of exploit.
>> That's obviously the "right" thing to do.  I suppose I should figure
>> out how to use the ast module.
> Someone has already created a module that does this called numexpr. Is
> there some reason why you don't want to use that?
>>>> import numexpr
>>>> numexpr.evaluate('2+4*5')
> array(22, dtype=int32)
>>>> numexpr.evaluate('2+a*5', {'a':4})
> array(22L)

Is that from PyPI? It's not in my Python 3.3 installation. Obvious
reason not to use it: Unaware of it. :)


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