Hi all,

I've been using Python for a while now but one of my concerns is if it is 
possible to have some sort of dependency management (not sure if right term) 
for Python? 

In the Scala language there is the Simple Build Tool that lets me specify on a 
project-by-project basis which libraries I want to use (provided they are in a 
central repository somewhere) and it will download them for me. Better yet, 
when a new version comes out I need only change the SBT configuration file for 
that project and it will download it for me.

Is there something like this for Python. I am typically wary of downloading 
Python modules I use like NumPy, SciPy, NetworkX, etc because I want to be able 
to upgrade at any time and doing so seems to be a hassle - in fact, I am not 
entirely sure how to "upgrade".

Thank you and regards,

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