Thank you Dieter,

> Ubuntu 12 has introduced important changes with respect to "glib" (and
> depending packages). In fact, there are now two quite incompatible
> implementations - the old "static" one and a new "dynamic" one.
> It looks as if in your case, old and new implementations were mixed.
> I had a similar problem when upgrading to "Ubuntu 12.4". In my case,
> it turned out that my (custom) "PYTHONPATH" setting was responsible for
> getting into the incompatibility.
> The new way to use "gtk" is via the "gi" (probable "gnome interface")
> module. It looks like:
> from gi.repository import Gtk,GdkPixbuf,GObject,Pango,Gdk,Gio

I will investigate this gi module. As for my import problem, it turned out that 
it was my own fault: following some recommendation on the web, I had added 
/usr/share/pyshared to the python path in ~/.profile and forgot to log out and 
in again after undoing this change. Everything works fine again, and I am ready 
to explore the new modules.

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