Chris Angelico於 2013年1月12日星期六UTC+8下午12時40分36秒寫道:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Rick Johnson
> <> wrote:
> > *The problem:*
> > ... is readability. The current dot syntax used ubiquitously in paths is 
> > not conveying the proper information to the reader, and in-fact obfuscating 
> > the code.
> Please explain how this is a problem. As Steven said, there is NO
> useful difference. I don't *care* whether it's a package, a module, or
> whatever. Module with class with static member? Fine. Package with
> module with class? Also fine. Imported special object that uses dunder
> methods to simulate either of the above? What's it matter to me, as
> long as I get my final result!
> Syntactic salt is seldom helpful.
> ChrisA
This is somewhat like the following problem.

Do we have to argue with people about the tastes 
of dishes in different restaurants ?

Of course, I do because I love to enjoy fine dishes.


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