On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I really don't like using two words ("define object", or "def obj") and using 
> one single keyword is ambiguous ("object" or "obj"). So the obvious solution 
> is to combine the abbreviated words into one compound keyword that will save 
> keystrokes, save parsing, and all-the-while maintain symmetry. That keyword 
> is "defobj". Coupled with "defmeth" and "deffunc" we now have a symmetrical 
> definition syntax!
> deffunc bar():
>    return
> defobj Foo():
>     defmeth __init__(self, blah):
>         pass

Awesome! Now, just one more step to make Python into the World's Most
Awesome Language(tm): Replace those lengthy words with single symbols
found in the Unicode set; compress everything down and enforce perfect
Unicode handling. Also, demand that names be one character long, to
enforce creativity by the Mark Rosewater principle. We will then have
a truly wonderful language; everything will be so utterly readable.


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