On 01/14/13 11:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Your knowledge of English has failed you. Here is the first definition
from Webster's Dictionary (1913 edition):

Class \Class\ (kl[.a]s), n. [F. classe, fr. L. classis class,
    collection, fleet; akin to Gr. klh^sis a calling, kalei^n to
    call, E. claim, haul.]
    1. A group of individuals ranked together as possessing
       common characteristics; as, the different classes of
       society; the educated class; the lower classes.
       [1913 Webster]

Clearly Python should use a keyword like "Kingdom" or "Phylum" instead. I guess "Kingdom" should be reserved for metaclasses (or would they be metaphylums? or metaphyla?)

  kingdom Baz:

  phylum Foo:
    __metaphylum__ = Baz

That is SO much clearer ;-)



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