On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:08:13 AM UTC-6, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> On 23 January 2013 08:55, Ulrich Eckhardt
> <ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com> wrote:
> > Am 23.01.2013 05:06, schrieb Isaac Won:
> >
> >> I have tried to use different interpolation methods with Scipy. My
> >> code seems just fine with linear interpolation, but shows memory
> >> error with quadratic. I am a novice for python. I will appreciate any
> >> help.
> >
> [SNIP]
> >
> >
> > Concerning the rest of your problems, there is lots of code and the datafile
> > missing. However, there is also too much of it, try replacing the file with
> > generated data and remove everything from the code that is not absolutely
> > necessary.
> Also please copy paste the actual error message rather than paraphrasing it.
> Oscar

I really appreciate to both Ulich and Oscar. 

To Oscar 
My actual error message is: 
 line 311, in __init__
     self._spline = splmake(x,oriented_y,order=order) 
 line 809, in splmake
     coefs = func(xk, yk, order, conds, B) 
 line 530, in _find_smoothest
     u,s,vh = np.dual.svd(B) 
 line 91, in svd
     full_matrices=full_matrices, overwrite_a = overwrite_a) 
Thank you, 


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