On 01/24/2013 03:58 PM, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
Slightly different take on an old problem, I have a list of dicts, I need to 
build one dict
from this based on two values from each dict in the list. Each of the dicts in 
the list have
similar key names, but values of course differ.

[{'a': 'xx', 'b': 'yy', 'c': 'zz'},  {'a': 'dd', 'b': 'ee', 'c': 'ff'}]

{ 'xx': 'zz', 'dd': 'ff'}

Anyone have insight on how to pull this off?

Not till you tell us what the pattern is supposed to be. I can see how you might want xx:dd, yy:ee, zz:ff but have no idea what the intended connection is between the source dicts and the result.


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