On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 03:52:28 -0400, Brian van den Broek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Now, the same sort of behaviour where the "if type" testing has been 
>replaced with code more in keeping with the OOP approach:
> >>> class C(object):
>...    def report(self):
>...            print "Found a C"
> >>> class D(object):
>...    def report(self):
>...            print "Found a D"
> >>> c = C()
> >>> d = D()
> >>> for item in (c, d):
>...    item.report()
>Found a C
>Found a D
> >>>

The OP might want to consider factoring report into a base class, e.g.,

 >>> class Base(object):
 ...     def art_name(self):
 ...         cname = type(self).__name__
 ...         art = 'an'[:1+(cname.upper() in 'A E F H I L M N O R S X' or
 ...                   len(cname)>1 and cname.upper()[0] in 'AEIOU')]
 ...         return art, cname
 >>> class A(Base): pass
 >>> class B(Base): pass
 >>> class F(Base): pass
 >>> class Foo(Base): pass
 >>> class U(Base): pass
 >>> class Uhuh(Base): pass
 >>> items = A(), B(), F(), Foo(), U(), Uhuh()
 >>> for item in items: print 'Found %s %s' % item.art_name()
 Found an A
 Found a B
 Found an F
 Found a Foo
 Found a U
 Found an Uhuh

Returning info rather than printing to stdout allows you
to access and use it differently, e.g.,

 >>> items[3].art_name()
 ('a', 'Foo')
 >>> items[3].art_name()[1]

(Don't know if the a/an logic is really general ;-)

Bengt Richter

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