On Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:55:05 PM UTC+1, Peter Pearson wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 08:43:03 -0800 (PST), kryptox.excha...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I'm wondering if anyone can help me as I can't seem to get
> > this to work. There is an online dice game that is
> > provably fair by calculating the 'dice roll' using using a
> > sha256 hash calculated against my transaction ID generated
> > by me. The secret used to make the calculation is revealed
> > at the end of each day thus allowing you to prove they
> > didn't cheat. So they provide the following to allow you
> > to verify the calculation of the dice roll:
> >
> > Secret used = 
> > r7A7clvs9waizF+6QEiI0tgAq1ar48JItK3kg9kaeAFXz2vsMsHmOd9r9fhkmtxTz3CQnGAPMaDeKLvgb1A2VA
> > Secret hash 
> > sha256(r7A7clvs9waizF+6QEiI0tgAq1ar48JItK3kg9kaeAFXz2vsMsHmOd9r9fhkmtxTz3CQnGAPMaDeKLvgb1A2VA)
> >  = 48d78d573b9b8e11a13a72d9a78011f2e5d9754d89de47b209f32c51777f535d
> > Lucky hash 
> > sha256(r7A7clvs9waizF+6QEiI0tgAq1ar48JItK3kg9kaeAFXz2vsMsHmOd9r9fhkmtxTz3CQnGAPMaDeKLvgb1A2VA:108128
> >  06653842663997bf5971637f86f26c71a4716276d7fa8f323a83588d91:1) = 
> > dfa8769be81a543002865c88a5b52fa07f3b67fc7cd9b519c3f6a6452bcd48e4
> >
> > Lucky Number 0x48e4 = 18660
> >
> > So, I'm doing the following:
> >
> > C:\Python27>python
> > Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:24:47) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] 
> > on win32
> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>>> import hashlib, hmac
> >>>> txid = 
> >>>> 'r7A7clvs9waizF+6QEiI0tgAq1ar48JItK3kg9kaeAFXz2vsMsHmOd9r9fhkmtxTz3CQnGAPMaDeKLvgb1A2VA'
> >>>> secret = 
> >>>> '10812806653842663997bf5971637f86f26c71a4716276d7fa8f323a83588d91:1'
> [snip]
> >>> txid = 
> >>> 'r7A7clvs9waizF+6QEiI0tgAq1ar48JItK3kg9kaeAFXz2vsMsHmOd9r9fhkmtxTz3CQnGAPMaDeKLvgb1A2VA'
> >>> secret = 
> >>> '10812806653842663997bf5971637f86f26c71a4716276d7fa8f323a83588d91:1'
> >>> hashlib.sha256(txid+":"+secret).hexdigest()
> 'dfa8769be81a543002865c88a5b52fa07f3b67fc7cd9b519c3f6a6452bcd48e4'
> >>> 0x48e4
> 18660
> >>> 
> . . . which is the number you wanted, right?
> -- 
> To email me, substitute nowhere->spamcop, invalid->net.

Yes, thank you Peter!

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