Does anyone have an explanation why Decimal 0**0 behaves so differently from float 0**0?
Tested in both Python 2.7 and 3.3, float 0**0 returns 1, as I would expect: py> 0.0**0.0 # floats return 1 1.0 With Decimals, if InvalidOperation is trapped it raised: py> from decimal import getcontext, InvalidOperation py> from decimal import Decimal as D py> getcontext().traps[InvalidOperation] = True py> D(0)**D(0) # Decimals raise Traceback (most recent call last): ... decimal.InvalidOperation: 0 ** 0 or return a NAN: py> getcontext().traps[InvalidOperation] = False py> D(0)**D(0) Decimal('NaN') I am familiar with the arguments for treating 0**0 as 0, or undefined, but thought that except for specialist use-cases, it was standard practice for programming languages to have 0**0 return 1. According to Wikipedia, the IEEE 754 standard is for "pow" to return 1, although languages can define a separate "powr" function to return a NAN. I suspect this is a bug in Decimal's interpretation of the standard. Can anyone comment? -- Steven --