On 8 February 2013 17:09,  <ciscorucin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So you have a thread that updates the image and then checks the stack
>> to see if a new image is available? Can you not just have it only try
>> to load the newest image?
> That is what I am trying to figure out how to do. I have a counter that 
> updates with every note that is grabbed from the stream. That counter is 
> passed into a threaded class that might or might not create the image right 
> away...but seems to create them sequentially from what I have seen so far (I 
> don't know if that is absolute thought).
> Please let me know you thought on the above part! Each new thread should only 
> take only a very small amount longer to do than the previous thread that was 
> started...because it has one more note to deal with this time.

Are you creating a new thread for each new note? I imagined that you
would have 3 threads: producer, organiser and consumer. It looks like

# Producer:
for x in produce_music():
    counter += 1
    notes_map[filename] = counter

# Organiser
def on_file_notify(filename):
    if notes_map[filename] > notes_map[waiting]:
        waiting = filename

# Consumer
while True:
    if waiting is not None:
        waiting = None

> I am not notified when the file is created...but like I said before, I wait 
> on the subprocess and could do something there.

I don't understand your setup.

>> Is that using something like watchdog?
>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/watchdog
> I don't know about Watchdog...but from an earlier version of a tutorial 
> online...
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/watchdog/0.3.6  (Yes, it is currently on v0.6.0 
> and this is older - v0.3.6)
> ... it looks like I COULD do something like...

I haven't actually used watchdog myself. I was just querying how you
were getting updates about file changes (and suggesting to use a PyPI
package since at least one was available for your needs).


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