Hi Dave,

On Feb 11, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Dave Angel <da...@davea.name> wrote:

> Exactly how are you sending "hexadecimal" ?  If that 0xad (which is only one 
> byte, what about the other 3 ?) is intended to be a C description, then it's 
> certainly not hex, it's binary.  And probably little-endian, to boot.  That's 
> a mistake, as network protocols almost always use big-endian.
> So what is the range of values for the length, and how are they actually 
> encoded?  Are they uint32 in native binary format?   And are you permitted to 
> change the encoding, to fix it?  (If it were my choice, I'd make it a 
> printable decimal value, first choice, or printable hex, second choice.)

They are ASCII stream, actually JSON with the exception of the first 4 bytes. I 
avoided using struct class for this as it's overkill for my application.

So the idea is that i code the length to a max of 0xff (max length of 256 
bytes), I would only have to assign 4 bytes to it. If i need 1k length, i just 
need to increase it to 6 bytes or 4 if i decide to strip the 0x.

the code for the function is as follows:

def request_get_session(sock, jmsg):
    # append message length
    plen = hex(len(jmsg))
    msg = '{0}{1}'.format(plen, jmsg)

    print 'sending data'
    n = sock.send(msg)
    str = '{0} bytes sent: {1}'.format(n, msg)
    print str

    # receive message length
    print 'receiving data'
    mlen = sock.recv(4)
        nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
    except ValueError as e:
        print 'invalid length type'
        return -1

    print 'message length is {0}'.format(nbuf)

    while True:
        buf = sock.recv(nbuf)

        if not buf:

    slen = len(buf)
    str = "{0} bytes received: {1}".format(slen, buf)
    print str
    return 0
>> I've managed to receive and translate the message length until I reach my 
>> second recv which I readjusted the buffer size to include the new message 
>> length.
>> However that failed and recv received 0 bytes. I implemented the same 
>> algorithm on the server side using C and it work so appreciate if you can 
>> help me on this.
>> # receive message length
>>     print 'receiving data'
>>     mlen = sock.recv(4)
>>     try:
>>         nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
> That supposes the count is being sent as a printable string of hex digits.  
> That's not what I concluded above.

That is what I meant. it just an ascii string.


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