DaGeek247於 2013年2月14日星期四UTC+8上午3時47分36秒寫道:
> I am using the windows api feature getasynckeystate() to check the status of 
> every key pressed; like this;
> #always checking
> while(True):
>     #iterate through list of ascii codes
>     for num in range(0,127):
>         #if ascii code key is being pressed
>         if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
>             #do stuff
> This works great, almost. The issue that comes up now is that every time i 
> press a key, the code grabs two or three key presses.
> So i tried making sure that repeated keys weren't pressed repeatedly;
> #always checking
> while(True):
>     #iterate through list of ascii codes
>     for num in range(0,127):
>         #if ascii code key is being pressed
>         if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
>             if oldkeychar == num:
>                 #don't do stuff
>             else:
>                 #do stuff
> this works great, but It won't record stuff like 'look' or 'suffer' because 
> it doesn't record repeated keys. So I try doing a delay instead;
> #always checking
> while(True):
>     #iterate through list of ascii codes
>     for num in range(0,127):
>         #if ascii code key is being pressed
>         if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
>             if oldkeychar == num:
>                 if crrenttime > (time.time() - .5)
>                     #do stuff because key has been repeated, but not because 
> it was held down
>                 else:
>                     #don't do stuff because key is pressed to soon
>             else:
>                 #do stuff because key is not repeated
>                 currenttime = time.time()
> this almost works, but I end recording some double keypresses, and missing 
> others. Does anybody have any suggestions?

I believe you can use the raw_input function in python.

But loop through strings ended by \r\n or \r.

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